Last night I learned that great TV isn't just whats on now, it's whats on Hulu from twenty years ago. I also learned its highly hilarious and addictive.
Last night I learned that great TV isn't just whats on now, it's whats on Hulu from twenty years ago. I also learned its highly hilarious and addictive.
i discovered that the whole doogie howser md series is on hulu. not a good discovery at 1:30 am on Monday morning when you should be sleeping.
first of all the show is 20 years old! 20! makes me feel old.
second, the show is f-ed up
in the first episode i watched (the second ep - don't know why but the first one was not available) a doctor, doogies mom's age asks him out to dinner, and kisses him on the lips. which i think was meant to look innocent but was just weird. then at dinner she asks him to FATHER HER CHILD. yes, i understand he's a doctor, but he's 16! doogs thinks that she wants to bone him and talks to his dr friend with the crazy hair who (rightly) confronts the crazy later doctor to say this is totes inappropriate. ohhh but it was a misunderstanding - she just wanted to be inseminated with his sperm! ooookay thats not bad. um yeah it is everyone, this is a 16 year old child - NO ONE touches on the fact that if they had sex it would be completely illegal (1989 must have been before mary kay lauterno) not to mention totally weird that a 16year old would father a baby that way...
anyway its all resolved cause doogie remembers he has a girlfriend wanda and wants to have kids the old fashion way when he grows up (spoiler alert doogie - you grow up gay)
the next episode doogie and wanda decide to go steady and celebrate by going to the drive in and wanda kisses doogie "like hes never been kissed before" then all of a sudden her appendix is about to burst and he rushes her to the hospital where ALL the doctors are busy and he must be her doctor. ok ok , totally plausible tv show set up, but then it gets WEIRD. because there is no time to do a sonogram to determine the pendicitius doogs must do a PELVIC exam on wanda.
afterwards shes all weirded out and he doesnt get it, he was just be a doctor. then doogies mom explains to him that girls get embarassed when doctors poke around in their junk and it was probs weird for her boyfriend to be all up in hers.
i watched another hilarious ep about drinking and driving but i stayed up way too late watching that shit (and most likely will again tonight) so i need to reserve my engery for some actual work.
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