Tuesday, February 10, 2009

what i watched monday

well from a week plus of watching FNL til 4am i got a little run down and hit a wall last night, asleep before 8:30pm - which is VERY unusual for me. so i didn't watch much.

what i caught:

two reruns of how i met your mother: i really love this show. i think that i captures the humor of the age group well and barney is a gem of a character. i am so happy to see that lifetime is now running the show in syndication on monday nights 7 and 7:30 et. , cause i came aboard the show late and never caught the first season and its nice to see how the story began. (those last few sentences were really lame and looks like a 40 year old woman named susans who wears cardigans and has two cats wrote it, but i don't feel like changing it so meow!)

1/4 of an episode of gilmore girls: since i don't have a tv in my room ( i tried to create boundries) i usually watch shows online before i go to bed. last night thewb.com where i watch friends and gilmore girls (they refresh the episodes every monday night) was being a little bitch and kept freezing so i decided to stop trying to make it work and went to bed.

how i met your mother - new ep

big bang theory - i have yet to fully commit to the show, its a little hokey at times but i do find my self laughing out loud (couldnt bring myself to write lol) quite bit.

jon and kate plus 8 - sometimes i get irrationally peeved when a show i have watched from the beginning when no one except for my aunt beth had heard of it becomes a national sensation and suddenly everyone is watching it and having opinions about it. this show is one of them. sadly so was trading spaces - that shit used to only be on friday's at 4 after a wedding story and no one knew about it. i know this makes no sense but i feel like i deserve credit for these shows. i know i know i know - totally irrational and pathetic. but i do like that now i can talk about my hatred for mady with people. ugh i hate that kid.

i missed gossip girl this week though i think we can all agree last weeks episode blew chunks.


  1. you will get into big bang theory. This is also one of those shows that I watched from the very beginning, and I feel the same way...

  2. I love also love How I met your mother and the bang theory! Barney is such a pig -- but he is so funny!

  3. i dont think it was a new GG, OR a new HIMYM. basically i think obama dominated the airwaves on monday. though i did get to see the last 15 mins of the bachelor (which is the ONLY part of the show i EVER watch, and i feel like i watched the whole episode) and got to see a GREAT clip of next week - the bachelor actually CRIES IN AGONY. just watch - last 20 mins that is.
